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It is the section where selection and control processes are carried out according to the size and quality of the products after the washing process. The products that will not be sliced are taken to a separate band in the middle of the band and stacked in a different section.

Food drying systems product selection and control band is a system used in the food production process. This system is designed to improve the quality and safety of food products. Food manufacturers can use these systems at the beginning or end of the production line.

The product selection and control band is formed on the food production line, on a band where the products pass. This belt is equipped with a series of sensors and cameras through which the food passes. These sensors and cameras are used to check the quality and size of products.

For example, if vegetables or fruits need to be sorted according to their colour, shape and size, sensors detect these characteristics and separate the products. In addition, it can detect foreign materials, broken or damaged ones in the products and exclude them from the process.

This system gives food manufacturers more control over the production process and improves the quality of their products. It also helps businesses meet food safety standards. The increase in the quality of the products of the enterprises also increases the customer satisfaction and the brand value of the enterprise.

As a result, the food drying systems product selection and inspection belt is an important tool in the food industry. This system helps businesses maintain customer satisfaction and brand value by increasing the quality and safety of products.

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